ARCHITECTURES OF CARE AS COMMON GOOD. Urban-spatial and social-political configurations of care in publicly produced collective housing in Uruguay


  • Lucía Serrana Anzalone Santamarina Facultad de Arquitectura, Udelar, Uruguay Centro de vivienda y hábitat y del Instituto de Tecnologías, FADU, Udelar



This research proposes the study of the space of care in collective public housing in Uruguay, conceiving care as a common good and integrating the perspective of feminist urbanism as an epistemological framework of approach. It starts from the recognition of the collective scale for the approach to care, seeking to transcend the dichotomies between the individual private and the collective public, in the conjunction of spheres (Muxi, 2018) that implies the material and symbolic reproduction of social life (Gutiérrez, 2020).  This article reports on an ongoing doctoral research process that proposes within its objectives to contribute to the ways of thinking and projecting in the collective housing scale from this perspective, through the identification and generation of new tools for the design, planning and management of living space, as well as new parameters for the articulation of public policies in housing, habitat and care.


Keywords: Collective public housing, cooperativism, commons and care




