Dinámicas de gentrificación en metrópolis de la cultura: aproximación comparada a las estrategias de Madrid y Buenos Aires


  • Eva García Pérez
  • Jorge Sequera Fernández




This paper explores the changes taking place today in urban regeneration dynamics of the big metropolis that are committed to contemporary urban economic models incorporated in globalization. The weight of the cultural and creative industry comes together with new characters and lifestyles directly linked to the innovative and social "new economy", whose movements today represent the touchstone of urban dynamics affecting central areas. We propose to analyze these dynamics from the cases of Madrid and Buenos Aires, in terms of three identified factors: the policies for rehabilitation of urban heritage, the policies for placing knowledge economy, and commercial transformation of traditional markets and local shops. We argue that these three vectors reinforce urban renewal processes moving the border of gentrification towards new frameworks and territorial frontiers.




Sede Lisboa