Espaços públicos e vida urbana: uma leitura do projeto Cidade Pedra Branca


  • Fernanda Maria Menezes



The Pedra Branca project is being implemented in Palhoça, county of the Florianopolis metropolitan region, in southern Brazil. Its beginning was boosted by the installation of UNISUL Campus (University of Southern Santa Catarina) in that region in 1996. What would be an urbanization along the lines of monofunctional zoning, became, from 2005, in a urban development aligned with the assumptions of the New Urbanism. This paper identifies and evaluates the network of public spaces configured for this project, restoring its historic process and performing morphological analysis to identify the strengths and limitations of the proposal regarding the creation of a genuine urban environment. What is observed is that, like other proposals effectively implemented by this current, the project ends up being structured so introverted and self-contained, establishing urban relations more in local terms than inan effective integration with the entire urban structure context.




Sede Lisboa