Del no-lugar al lugar en espacios barriales de Santiago de Chile: investigación-acción enfocada en la didáctica de la p


  • Laura Gallardo Frías



It describes an action-research conducted during 2012-2013, from the study of different concepts of place and non-place, belonging to different authors from: philosophy, anthropology, sociology, fine arts and architecture, affine arrive at the definition of these terms by using them as a starting point for reflection on the project process. It begins with the study of non-places nowadays, rampant increase of reviewing its theoretical conception and identifying and contrasting the experience of human beings in the same within the city of Santiago. And from awareness of this increase in non-places, enhances the development of architectural proposals to revalue the need for PLACE, regarded as the Main place human being, studying, apart from its proportions and physical-spatial relationships with place and context, anthropological and social ties.




Sede Lisboa