Naturbanización en la Pampa Argentina: urbanización vs. racionalidad ecológica: el caso de Chascomús (Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina)


  • Mariana Giusti
  • María José Prados Velasco



This paper broaches problems related to new territorial dynamics, urban pressure, and gated communities (UC) in non-metropolitan areas of Argentina with landscape and environmental value, either rural or protected areas. The city of Chascomús (Buenos Aires, Argentina) is taken as a case of study and the concept of naturbanization (Prados, 2009) is used as a conceptual framework and methodology for the analysis. The concept explains how spaces with landscape and environmental value or protected areas, stimulate urbanization processes in their surroundings. These processes are understood in the widest sense of the term urbanization, which is the extension of urban land uses and the consequences of land uses change due to urbanization. At the same time, the contradiction between global debates on "sustainable urbanism and development" and real practice is approached




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