Análisis de los mecanismos que actúan en el desarrollo y transformación de las ciudades latinoamericanas y europeas de tamaño intermedio: estudio comparativo entre Manta, Ecuador y Valladolid, España


  • José Luis Sáinz Guerra
  • Rosario del Caz Enjuto
  • Miguel Camino Solorzano
  • Felix Jové
  • Jonathan Orozco



Two teams from the University Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Ecuador, and the University of Valladolid, Spain are developing a joint research project with the financial support of the AECID. This research work makes an in depth analysis of the mechanisms through which intermediate size cities in two different countries, Ecuador and Spain, are transformed. An analysis of both cities is carried out, including the ways in which they were formed, breaking down the decision-making processes that lead to the city as it is today. Following these analyses we can point out the different nature of both urban spaces and identify the common mechanisms and those that are different. As for the way in which decisions are made, we analyse in particular the following aspects: e) The construction of large infrastructures f) The housing policy. g) The public services and facilities policy. h) The sustainability of each of the cities. This study has a great utility as it compares diverse elements and characteristics of both cities and allows us to evaluate the weight and the role such characteristics play in the formation of each city.




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