Re-interpretando el corredor noroeste de Madrid 1956 – 2011: las piezas que componen el territorio del CoNOMad y sus lógicas


  • Lidia Ponce de León



The expansion of the suburbs in Madrid has been a unique phenomenon in the past decades, spreading out in fragmented pi eces across the landscape of Madrid. The purpose of this work is to study the traditional low-density suburbs of the Region of Madrid (Madrid North west Corridor (CoNOMad). This corridor stands in the limit between the city of Madrid and the mountains, being the border of the new city. This area is analyzed attending to three elements: landscape, infrastructures and settlements. This analytical methodology allows us to distinguish different pieces that compose this area and to disclaim a number of logics of how they repeat and place themselves in the corridor. The article is divided in three parts: 1. CoNOMad. 2. The pieces of the territory and 3. The pieces logics.




Sede Lisboa