29 + 1: la ordenación urbanística metropolitana de Gran Valencia (1947-1986)


  • Juan Ramón Selva Royo




The present research analyses the Mediterranean city of Valencia from a territorial point of view, immediately following the establishment of the Administrative Corporation Gran Valencia by the Act of 10th February 1947. From then up until our own times –with greater or lesser degrees of success–, and via various different administrative bodies, the metropolitan approach to urban planning of the city of the Turia has not been abandoned. Taking the vicissitudes of the first of these institutions (with almost forty years of existence), from a structural point of view, we analyse its historical transformations and development, and the manner in which it drove the morphological development of the territory. This contributes to the spread of the abundant technical labour developed by Gran Valencia, deconstructing this predominant unilateral vision until the moment in which the work of the Corporation reduced, practically speaking, to just another administrative procedure.




Sede Lisboa