Hacia la arquitectura bioambiental: uso racional de recursos hídricos en políticas de ordenación territorial: influencia de la Norma 26 en el diseño de sistemas para ahorro y reúso de agua en vivienda social


  • Marisol Arellano Sabag




The conservation of water resources in Mexico has become a major issue within government agendas, particularly in Mexico City, where they converge at least three administrations, formulating plans and investment projects designed to curb the deterioration of supply sources and promote rational water consumption. However, the problem it faces is very complex because it involves physical factors (natural and urban), historical, political, economic and social. In response to this challenge, the Government of the Federal District amended Rule 26 that encourages the production of social housing, the essence of this change intend to link environmental objectives with social projects. This paper aims to analyze the influence of this norm in the transformation of the architectonic and urban task, in order to highlight the need to implement new management models that can adapt to emerging challenges.




Sede Lisboa