Las transformaciones del territorio: escalas de aproximación en Sumay Pacha, Jujuy (Argentina)


  • Alejandra Potocko



The paper analyzes the territorial transformations in Sumay Pacha, Jujuy and how they are related to the complex relationships that exist between urbanism (understood in terms of policies and techniques that result from specialized knowledge) and urbanization (understood as the multiplicity of different social actions that contribute to the construction of urban space) . Sumay Pacha is a recently formed neighborhood out side the urban areas of Tilcara and Maimará (Jujuy Provi nce) and was originated on popular subdivisions of land. Housing policies were involved in the origin of the urban area, the construction of the neighborhood a nd its development, both from a material and a symbolic po int of view. The analysis was conducted from two perspectives, first from direct observation of the territory and interpretative re-drawing of its elem ents, and second from the accounts of the interviewees and th e design of plans and programs. The paper shows tha t urbanism –examined in terms of housing policies at this stage of the research, allowed to consolidate and legitimize the urbanization, and at the same time, urbanization promoted the integration of the urban fabric. Indeed, urbanization, driven by the mobilization, p opular subdivisions and self-making houses, enabled the local government to do urbanism, through the implem entation of policies that were already "in the pipe line", transforming the territory into a land reserve that can host social demands for public policies.




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