Nós de mobilidade na metrópole de São Paulo: uma visão de intervenção sistêmica a partir do Plano Integrado de Transportes Urbanos de 2025


  • Marlon Rubio Longo




The article aims to discuss the notion of systemic urban intervention in the São Paulo metropolis, from the activation of local and metropolitan forces represented by the mobility nodes, it means, the intersection areas of transport infrastructure network. The role of such networks has been highlighted in many recent urban debates that indicate the reading, interpretation and urban action possibilities in the contemporary metropolis based on these elements. Therefore, the Integrated Urban Transport Plan of 2025 (PITU 2025) is proposed as the object, more precisely from its urban issues, as the density improvement in specific areas and the proposition of intermodal stations as anchors of local urban development, ensuring the articulation between the expansion of the structural mobility system with potential areas for urban intervention.




Sede Lisboa