Gestión del territorio: en áreas vulnerables del área metropolitana del Gran Resistencia (AMGR)


  • Marina Scornik



This work is based on advances in Geography PhD thesis, which is being developed, at the Faculty of Humanities and IGHI, both of the UNNE. Inadequate management currently exists and progressive urban decay areas with environmental, social and economic vulnerability of Greater Metropolitan Area of Resistencia (AMGR), aggravates the risks of marginal population in the first instance, and these limits the development and operation efficient and equitable of the all system. The development of new instruments or tools appropriate to the conditions of the region, to be used in the planning of new settlements, reorder or supplement existing deficit areas are work goals. In this way, I intend to develop a system of land management that allows reverse the current situation of Fontana`s town, to also prevent other form of occupation AMGR sectors.




Sede Lisboa