A segregação planejada: o plano de modernização de Teresina


  • Jose Hamilton L. Leal Junior
  • Ayrton Portilho Bueno




The city of Teresina, founded in 1852, with the initial route planned by the government of the province has to become the capital of Piauí, was initially restricted to the neighborhood of what is now called the Centre. Currently, the city grapples with issues such as: the presence of settlements in hazardous areas; degradation, pollution and siltation of rivers Parnaíba and Poti; a center congested, predominantly commercial creating a zone without vitality night due the unattractiveness and demolition of historic buildings to accommodate parking. The period between 1939 and 1977 is considered by historians as a time of great change in economic dynamics and spatial city, marked by large investments. With this work intend to analyze the participation of urban plans designed to Teresina, this study period, in the process of urban expansion.




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