Los pueblos del desierto: conquista, urbanización y puesta en producción del territorio de La Pampa, Argentina (1879-1930)


  • Mónica Martínez




This study addresses the national occupation of the territory of La Pampa and displacement of indigeno us culture - after the conquest - progress in the "desert" and tracing the successive stages, distribution of land, establishment of peoples and put into production, showing the existence of a development plan and colonization of the territory that integrates Argentina - in the short-term - to the economic world system. At the beginning of the twentieth century, immigrants have a strong rural productive activity with their environment, supported by a dominant railway layout that integrates spatial configuration items - rails, stations, roads, colonies path - to the urban scale. The study of towns, their tentative definition, theories and models of reference, is the focus of this resentation. The purpose of this study is to verify the main features of the morphology, landscape and identity of these towns.




Sede Lisboa