Planeamiento urbanístico en la obra de Antonio Bonet: trazado viario y paisaje: de Punta Ballena al Poblado HIFRENSA, 1945-1975


  • Juan Ferna Ródenas García



This paper presents a comparative analysis of selected urban proposals of the architect Antonio Bonet, through two contrasting pieces covering a time span of thirty years (1945-1975). The opposition includes two stages, two landscapes and two different scales, the stage in Argentina-Uruguay and the Spanish stage, the Atlantic forest and the Mediterranean forest, are: the urbanization of Punta Ballena, Maldonado, Uruguay (1945-48) and the HIFRENSA Settlement, L'Hospitalet de l'Infant, Tarragona, Spain (1967-1975). The analysis focuses on two aspects: road layout and landscape. Bonet's work with Sert, unlike other Spanish architects of his generation, is characterized by having a solid theoretical foundation. Bonet assists, with only 20 years, the CIAM IV, Athens (1933), was a student member of GATCPAC and worked with Sert, Torres-Clavé and Le Corbusier. In 1949, assists the CIAM VII in Bérgamo as Uruguayan-Argentine delegate. In the selected works, in general, cannot establish a clear line separating architecture and urbanism.




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