Del Master-plan al Non-plan: una evolución desde los sistemas conservativos a los sistemas auto-organizados


  • Manuel Pérez Romero



During a vivid period of fifteen years between 1954 and 1969, there’s a paradigm shift from conservative models defined by the modern movement to self-organizing systems. Two parallel lines can explain this profound transformation: on one side, by the statements or manifestos in opposition to closed systems and, on the other, by the influences of scientific theories at the time. Six manifestos with a certain interdisciplinary condition, associated to fields such as biology, chemistry, cybernetics or self-organization, change the direction of this new emerging urbanism: The Doorn Manifesto (1954), Oskar Hansen’s Open Form Manifesto (1959), Yona Friedman’s Principles of Mobile Urbanism (1959), the Metabolist Manifesto (1960), Additive architecture by Jorn Utzon (1958-1970) and finally the provocative experiment-manifesto "Non-Plan: An Experiment in Freedom” by Paul Barker, Peter Hall, Reyner Banham and Cedric Price




Sede Lisboa