Transformaciones metropolitanas: estudio comparativo de los modelos de urbanización del Área Metropolitana Rosario - Área Metropolitana Santa Fe-Paraná: UNR 2009-2012


  • Isabel Martínez de San Vicente
  • Mirta Soijet
  • María Cristina Tamburrini
  • Ana Cicchini
  • Graciela Baglione



From the end of the 20th century, the processes of urbanization acquires a different logic demonstrated by spatial (dispersion, concentration and fragmentation of the models of urbanization) and socio-demographic changes (mobility of population inside the metropolitan area). Peripheral expansion and densification of the center in the metropolitan areas appear as the most well-known changes. The verification of such phenomena will be realized in the cases of the Metropolitan Areas of Rosario and of Santa Fe, in Argentina. The investigation developed through a detailed and comparative study emphasizes those two aspects. On one hand, appears strongly the unquestionable compl ementarity of the metropolitan space as area of analysis, diagnosis and urbanistic action. For other, demonstrates the weakness of the institutional tools with which such problems has been approached in the last two decades.




Sede Lisboa