La memòria d'un paisatge gravat: les pedreres de marès, empremta territorial del paisatge identitari de Mallorca


  • Catalina Salvà Matas



The discovering process of the sandstone quarries as landscapes of identity and memory of a huge part of Mallorca begins with the development of the thought of a territorial link between these quarries. The development of a territorial notion linked to the quarries tries to offer a new interpretation of these, until now understood as isolated entities immersed in an unknown entirety. The interpretation, through the irtemporal evolution, is constructed upon an evolutionary territorial matrix where the quarries become traces of this process. The representation of these traces of different temporary stages causes the detection of some groups of quarries, which can be found in most of the island, and points to the existence of a Land of Quarries, determining the perception of a new landscape that, through the quarries, configures a new identity of Mallorca.




Sede Lisboa