La pertorbació esdevé oportunitat: estratègies per la reinvenció dels nous llocs: la marca IBA-SEE a Lausitz (Alemanya)


  • Sílvia Segura Baró



Disturbed sites emerge as a result of the strong interaction between man and nature. Throughout history, the man has been searching the profit of natural resources offered by the land, in a limited and inherent sense, causing huge tensions. This disturbance produces a significant trouble to the site which is manifested in two diferent ways: it is refused and at the same time causes waste. Through the analysis of the acquired experience by the IBA Fürst-Pückler-Land in the Lusatia region between 2000 and 2010, this work is focused on searching strategies to improve new regional developments in these disturbed sites to stimulate its revitalization. The land is damaged by man as a resource for industrial production, in a social, cultural, economic and ecological way. The discovery of the site language may eventually become the key tool to establish the landscape actors to make it possible.




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