Las Cruces, un territorio de estudio para la compresión de la espacialidad cotidiana en el contexto del proyecto renovación urbana en Bogotá


  • Ruby Elena Varón Galvis



In the framework of the research project seconded to Line Social Construction of Space, the Master of Social Studies of the - Universidad Pedagógica Nacional - Colombia. It won’t aimed at understanding the every day spatiality of community leaders, housewives, young and older adults who have lived in Las Cruces. Neighborhood Historic Center of Bogotá, which was implemented project developments by the Center Plan (Decree 492 of 2007), driven by the territorial zoning plan. The article presents some points of analy sis for understanding everyday spatiality from constant negotiation and situational that permeates the everyday and territory with memories, meanings and problematic product of historical events to the process of urban renovation.




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