Estudio comparativo de los procesos de formación y gestión de la política de vivienda social (Madrid, España 1986 – Córdoba, Argentina 2001)


  • Ludmila Garbellotto



During this research are analyzed and compared the structure and management process carried out for the implementation of two social housing programs, the re-housing program for marginal population- Suburbs of special typology (BTE)– in Madrid - Spain (1986) and new neighborhoods program –“My house my life”- in Córdoba Argentina (2001). Both programs were made to solve the housing problems of marginalized groups, through relocation and re-housing of the affected people to new neighborhoods built especially for them. The purpose of this comparative analysis is to study the process of design and implementation of the two housing programs, trying to find out if it was possible to predict from the formulation of such programs, issues of urban exclusion as an aggravating factor of the social exclusion. The object of this article will reflect the state’s ability to influence in urban development, incorporated or not social-urban integration needs of the affected populations.




Sede Lisboa