Plano de requalificação do Quadrante Santa Rosa: proposta de Requalificação Urbana em Área Central na Cidade de Teresina


  • Anderson Mourão Mota



This paper promotes an intervention in the central area of Teresina, in Quadrante Santa Rosa, proposing the implementation of a Rehabilitation Plan made possible in public-private initiatives, focused on mobility, accessibility, mixed use, revitalization of memory built city , strengthening social and sustainable use of natural resources. The design strategies go beyond the actions of spatial organization, insiding in sustainable initiatives with themes of urban green infrastructure and soil compact occupation, acting in the organization of the existing trade and preparation of the road system to prioritize the movement of pedestrians, cyclists and public transport. Allied to this transformation in physical infrastructure and land use, the attention will be focused on heritage preservation of historic buildings that still maintain local constructive memory, and prioritizing the revitalization of the others, beyond prioritizing assistance programs and professional training for the local residents.




Sede Lisboa