Identidad, patrimonio y desarrollo territorial en la Provincia de Arauco-Chile


  • Gonzalo Cerda Brintrup
  • Mónica Virginia de Souza
  • Hernán Ascui Fernandez
  • Pablo Fuentes Hernandez
  • Roberto Burdiles Allende



We present the project Identity, heritage and territorial development in Arauco province, Chile, a project developed in 2012by a team of architects of the University of Bío-Bío in Concepción, Chile, in agreement with the Association of Municipalities in the Province of Arauco, Chile. The project aims to research, recognition and appreciation of the public spaces of the equity value of Arauco Province, Chile, with a design proposal in terms of image target damaged 40 public spaces but of great historical value in the localities involved. Worked with degraded sites or poorly consolidated but a large urban potential, in order develop proposals for recovery that value cultural heritage, urban, architectural and landscape of six small towns in southern Chile.




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