Constelaciones rurales serranas: lógicas de ocupación del territorio y modelos de orden en el Norte de Traslasierra, Córdoba, Argentina


  • Fernando Díaz Terreno



A set of intentioned readings made on an ancient Córdoba’s landscape reveal the occupation logics developed over centuries of territorial construction. These logics result from the combination of cultural ways of domination and exploitation of space, technical resources available and the natural landscape conditions imposed. From these processes, models of territorial order emerge as operational synthesis from the accumulation of human labor in the territory, gathering -in their own material structure- the key for future planning criteria. Just like constellation structures, order models express a form of spatial organization and some type of rurality specific from Northern Trasla sierra. The aim is to arrive at a deep understanding of this postponed territory, show its cultural and natural resources and, through those, build a territorial narrative that places them back on the map of Córdoba’s regions.




Sede Lisboa