Estratègies per a la regeneració sostenible d’assentaments turístics a la costa mediterrània


  • Anna Martínez
  • Claudia Rueda
  • Jordi Gordon
  • Juan José Ospina



The paper presents the analysis process of the Catalan Mediterranean coast that has been carried out within the research project I+D+i "Strategies for Sustainable Regeneration of Tourism Settlements in the Mediterranean coast" by members of the IAM of the School of Architecture La Salle URL. It aims to establish urban and architectural guidelines for a sustainable regeneration of coastal towns in the Mediterranean. The hypothesis proposed is to develop a proposal for intervention in specific urban and architectural elements to act as drivers of change in the urban and regional environment. We therefore establish a series of guidelines for regeneration from sustainability criteria. This paper presents the first phase, which consists in representing a typological map of the territory on which detects the different objects of study, and the definition of the methodological process of urban planning and architectural approach to each case.




Sede Lisboa