Habitação de interesse social na produção da cidade brasileira


  • Rosa Maria Locatelli Kalil
  • Adriana Gelpi
  • Tanise Spielmann




This paper approaches the social housing as a Brazilian public policy facing constitutional guidelines of the City Statute and sustainability issues. It presents the programs of public policies for social housing adopted and implemented in Passo Fundo, Carazinho e Marau, in the Development Council of the Production Region, north of Rio Grande do Sul, in the south of Brazil, a region which is in economic growth. A study case is conducted from 1998 to 2012, in these municipalities, considering that they demand strategical programs of urban and housing development, according requirements of Caixa Econômica Federal Blue House Stamp. As a result, a board of public policies and social housing programs is obtained, identifying their typological and morphological characteristics of insertion and urban quality. It is evaluated that most of housing units implanted relatively advanced with relation to social insertion and urban and housing sustainability, but without significant urban infrastructure.




Sede Lisboa