Curitiba: metrópole modelo ou urbe segregada? A questão habitacional e a apartação social em uma metrópole no Sul do Brasil


  • André de Souza Carvalho



Reference in the Brazilian urban planning , Curitiba also stands out with good economic rates and quality of life . However, urban differentials of the central regions of the city contrast with a periphery marked by informality and low-income housing. Regions set apart the city considered "model " concentrate hundreds of slums and almost all of social housing. The socio-spatial segregation in Curitiba is revealed especially in the physical and social distance between regions that concentrates high income to those with lower incomes. Historically, since the first housing policies of the city, the poor population was displaced to reside the borders of the metropolis. Even after discussions and legal developments related to Brazilian urban and housing issues and launching a federal housing program in 2009, it is verified that the practice of locating the poorest in the worst and most remote areas remains, reinforcing the urban segregation.




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