Cursos de agua, periferia y paisaje: estrategias de valoración e intervención en


  • Daniela Rotger



The predominant dispersion of today's large cities focuses attention of urban planning on the metropolitan peripheries, protagonists’ spaces of the global city, where urban uses proliferate and degradation of green areas is more evident. The case of the Greater La Plata exemplifies this reality. The basins of rivers and streams located in peripheral areas have been used extensively to locate degrading activities, leaving away pollution from the central areas. Among them, the basin of the Del Gato Stream -the most populated from region- has caused large-scale environmental conflicts. Ignorance about the fragility of the natural environment in which the city is implanted and the ignorance of the environmental potential which can mean a watercourse well treated within an urban and peri-urban area, represent an interesting opportunity to test land management strategies, which redefine the relationship between the city and its periphery since landscape.




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