A propósito del "trinomio imperfecto" políticas públicas, planeación y territorio: algunas reflexiones sobre el desarrollo de un esquema para el análisis de las políticas públicas en el territorio fundamentado en la interdeterminación entre territorio, territorialidad y territorialización de las políticas públicas


  • Jean-François Jolly




This paper does not aims to present an “initial assessment” of the progress that has been PU research group (in terms of the development of the scheme for the analysis of public policies in the territory based on the interdeterminacion between territory, territoriality and territorialization of public policies ("territorial social system" of Monnet) (Jolly, 2012), but to offer some reflections from them. Remembers the nine “considerations” or fundamental ideas of the proposed scheme and its relationship with scheme analysis of public policies in the territory (Jolly, 2007) and with the planning and presents conceptual and instrumental advances and results of the uses of this proposal that have been members of the group and perspectives and questions posed by the development of the scheme in terms of its analytical aspects and their policy uses and instruments as a way to better understand the complex interrelationships between public policies, planning and territory to meet the challenges of the territorialization of public action bottom up and the territorial deployment top down.




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