"El río que nos lleva" … al Jardí de la metrópoli: rius, rieres i torrents – carrers i parcs: cas d’estudi: Sabadell i Terrassa


  • Carme Carcaño i Zapata




The cities of Sabadell and Terrassa and their hinterlands, despite being separated by just 4 Km, never have formed an urban conurbation. The structure of this territory, consisting of two urban subsystems, has defined its geomorphological structure, which is located between two hydrographic systems, the Besos river and the Llobregat river. This feature of the territory hinted night September 25, 1962, when the cities were flooded rivers and streams for their. Fifty years after the fact, these river areas have become the best urban areas of cities. The analysis of these urban projects to find guidelines that allow it to act in other river areas, and justification that these are the major areas of opportunity in structuring the metropolis, are the subject of this study.




Sede Lisboa