Las ciudades insulares en el Caribe Occidental: desarrollo del concepto urbanístico-territorial de ciudad insular a partir del estudio comparativo de las Islas de la Bahía de Honduras y San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina – Colombia


  • Angélica Piedad Ayala de la Hoz



In this study we propose to contribute to a universal reflection about the city, presenting an urban category which is founded surrounded by the sea. which are located in a specific geographical location and are part of a recognized territorial unit. The term insular city contributes to this reflection, reconsidering the previous knowledge, which is fruit of the exhaustive study on small islands. Experts in disciplines affined to urbanism, such as the geography, the sociology or even the literature; have all lent concepts, theories and ideas about what it means to inhabit an island; we wanted to visualize these contributions in the construction of an urban category, that most importantly reflects upon the insular condition. We propose for the first time to materialize this concept of insular city in a real, possible space and center our observations on small insular spaces, that in some cases are easily considered to be cities; others, simply as islands.




Sede Lisboa