Bosa entre la formalidad y la informalidad: una apuesta por la construcción social de un territorio sustentable


  • Juan Carlos Castellanos Puentes



Bosa, located in the southwest of Bogota, has around 700,000 inhabitants, is one of the areas most recent urban development in Colombia, in the first decade of the century the population increased by 50% due to contradictory processes between formality and informality; is the only sector in Bogotá with conurbation. This article relates the history of urban planning process of this territory from the seventies, but the urban morphology, the focus is on design and urban management especially in the role of urban actors to transform adverse conditions, product informal development through self-management and citizen participation accompanied by government entities that have prioritized the development of housing projects of the city in the town, attracting private developers to generate increase in land prices and one of the highest rates of densification.




Sede Lisboa