Estrategias habitacionales de resistencia: la lucha de la multisectorial “Defendamos Alberdi” en la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina


  • Julieta Capdevielle



This work addresses the "territorial disputes" (Sabatini, 1997) by the definition of urban space taking place in the city of Córdoba, and particularly in the neighborhood Alberdi. To this end, we focus on practical look, interests and ways that the developers group displayed on the sector. Furthermore we address the housing strategies of resistance that neighborhood families come into play with the advance of these business groups. Thus, the purpose of the research is to account for differential forms of appropriation of the city that are at stake families and businesses. From our perspective, both practices constitute logical vying for urban space and involve, on the one hand, the rivalry between residents and non-residents, and on the other, and the dispute between the uses that may be in space. Ultimately, what is at stake is the right to the city and, with it, the ability to decide how and where to live.




Sede Lisboa