Intervenções modernas na cidade: paisagem e patrimônio em Teresina


  • Alcilia Afonso
  • Marina Chaib
  • Valéria Oliveira



This article will dwell on issues of landscape and recent equity related to the city of Teresina, capital of the state of Piauí, Northeast Brazil, presenting some results of the ongoing investigation, developed by the research group Architectural Modernity in the Course of Architecture and Urbanism Technology Center of the Universidade Federal do Piauí. The object of study is on urban and architectural interventions occurred in this city, during the military regime, taking as chronological cut the period 1971 to 1975, referring to the first government of Alberto Silva. From this principle it is proposed to carry out an investigation on the construction of a history of urbanism and architecture of Piauí produced in the '70s, analyzing inter and multidisciplinary way the aspects that build understanding of this production, ie, confronting political aspects which turned the urban landscape.




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