El (Ter)annà d’un territori industrialitzat: dels molins a les grans colònies industrials


  • Marta Castañé Sanmartín




In 1824 there is evidence in Torelló of the first hydraulic mill to grind wheat that changes water’s concession to use it for carding wool and cotton. That same year, different concessions to use the water for a textile plant are found in Roda de Ter and Manlleu. From that moment, and during 150 Ter River would be colonized in its entire itinerary by plants that would end up transforming the territory and the landscape. The industrialization of the Ter River implied around 29 industrial colonies and 37 textile plants (BAYON 2005),, as well as new communication routes, the railway, new housing, bridges and canals that transformed and changed the existent rural territory. The result is one of the most densified rivers with a territorial distribution of small disperse patches. Since middle age the Ter river basin was a populated area cultivated by farmers. Tracks left by agriculture will influence industry settlement, affecting the location of the new plants location. In fact, this regional project, based on the water as a energy and the economical benefits, starts on the watermills. This heritage has to be in the industrial history. All this heritage, which has not industrial function, is currently not just a track from the history and identity of the place, but also an opportunity to keep building a future for the territory. This paper is part of a research that expects to explain how these changes took place and why do they have a different character (tarannà) in the Ter river.




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