Tierra vacante y desarrollo urbano en ciudades medias: estrategias para su recuperación e integración territorial en el Gran La Plata, Argentina


  • Julieta Constanza Frediani




The problem of vacant lands inside a dispersed urban growth process, as well as possible strategies aimed at their recovery and territorial integration in medium-size cities, are the object of study of the present work. The main objective of this paper is to contribute to theoretical and empricial knowledge about vacant lands and their relationship with the current trends of urban development aimed at the achievement of sustainable urban management. Vacant land issue involves addressing the problem of irrational and inappropriate urban land use, with the purpose of promoting actions aimed at further land consolidation, and the recognition of vacant land as a problem as well as an opportunity. Strategies of urban recovery and territorial integration of vacant land, both public and private, should help to avoid spatial discontinuities and territorial fragmentation of urban areas.




Sede Lisboa