Recuperación del patio del Eixample para uso público: un proceso exitoso de obtención de espacio libre en una trama consolidada


  • Teresa Pazos



Barcelona has got transformed in recent decades, upgrading their neighborhoods, infrastructures and services. One of the most outstanding but less known strategies is the release of the Eixample block interiors. The City Council could develope the project through a rehabilitation ordinance in 1986. The process has had a continuity for over 25 years. This successful performance has freed up private spaces and the city has gained numerous public spaces: up to 48 spaces has been released, 33 of those yards, a new type of open public space. Barcelona's strategy is not one of a kind. There are many other performances in various cities in Europe and North America where urban renewal is based on the recovery of obosolete inner spaces. This variety of strategies provide many models and concepts to be launched elsewhere.




Sede Lisboa