Los macroproyectos de interés social nacional y su impacto frente al ordenamiento territorial: el caso de Ciudad Verde


  • Luz Amparo Méndez H.
  • Miguel A. Hincapié T.
  • Carlos Fernando Agudelo R.




This paper explores the theme of the Social Housing Macroprojects, figure implemented by the national goverment in the last two administrations intended to boost the production of this kind of housing throughout Colombia, deeping into the implications over the land use that have been presenting in different contexts where they have been running. In this sense, this work evaluates the application of this instrument in terms of their contextual relationships and the management of soil resources and its urban-regional articulation at different territorial systems. Additionally, this article shows an analysis of the Macroproject with the biggest housing offer in the country, located in the municipality of Soacha , Cundinamarca, called Green City, taking into account some aspects of sustainable urbanism in order to identify the main positive and negative aspects on its implementation.




Sede Lisboa