A forma e evolução urbanas de núcleos marítimos portugueses no início do seculo XX: a influência da indústria de conservas no desenho territorial


  • Cristina Luís Leitão




The analysis of urban shape and evolution is the way for the understanding the city and forces an evaluation of the method and the analysis tools, focusing on each situation, avoiding generalized approaches. Each urban space can be explained by its use and social practices. We demonstrate the use of complementary tools for the study of urban shape and evolution, as a result of the influence of a determined industry, specifically canning, in spatial design. To morphologically decode the urban space, we resort to comparisons and correlations between 6 case studies - Setúbal, Matosinhos, Peniche, Espinho, Lagos and Portimão. These clusters are analyzed by using primary sources and statistical analysis. From this context it is possible to systematize the problem and find the influence that any economic activity can exercise over a specific territory.




Sede Lisboa