Morfologías del cambio: la representación de procesos en el proyecto de paisaje


  • Pepa Moran Núñez



Landscape architecture has had a paradigm shift in relation to the growing consideration of processes, mainly natural, and variability as an inherent condition of the landscape. Processes and landscape dynamics are in the realm of the invisible, while we perceive the causes of their effects. They also vary over time, thus incorporating temporality and variability as an own condition. We propose as hypothesis that the representation of landscape projects can: 1. Reveal the invisible 2. Incorporate the temporal and diachronic dimension of landscape 3. Express variability as a condition. It describes the most important scientific and artistic concepts in this paradigm shift and a selection of projects that have incorporated processes and change are analyzed generating a classification related to their representation. Finally it is described the procedural capability of projects and their work in coalition with the existing dynamics.




Sede Lisboa