Agricultura em espaço urbano: dinâmicas antigas e recentes: o caso estudo da cidade de Évora


  • Mari Freire
  • Isabel Joaquina Ramos



The aim of the research is to improve the understanding of agriculture in urban areas for societies and to outline strategies to promote agricultural soils patrimony and the maintenance and sustainability of agricultural use in urban space. If, in the past, urban agriculture was particularly linked to the social and economic domains, today it is also intensively related to the ecological and educational ones. This means a closer relation with nature, in order to achieve a better quality of urban life, simultaneously with the social and economic fields, more evident in a time of crisis. The research is based on the concepts of agriculture and agricultural soils and is deepened in the concept of global landscape. It is illustrated with the city of Évora, by the analysis of the dynamics of urban evolution associated with agriculture in urban space.




Sede Lisboa