Tres ideas, dos siglos, una ciudad: la evolución de un paradigma urbano arquitectónico en la Bogotá decimonónica


  • William García Ramírez



This paper is about the theoretical discussions from the need to think the urban development of Bogota later to his independence of Spain about 1810. The interest to check this topic arises from the general acceptance in thinking that during this period theoretical reflections did not exist on this matter, and the urbanism and the architecture done then in Colombia obey the adoption of " formal bosses accidental fallen in these latitudes, lacking in links with the incipient cultural identity "; what denies any possibility of local reflection and devaluates the importance of these architectures. In this respect, the topic is approached exceeding the traditional methodology centred on the stylistic analysis of mappings, to chase the theoretical dimension, from two sources: The Government of the city, as generator of the urban policies, and the Architect, as generator of the ideas that sustain his projects.




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