O poder público municipal e o setor imobiliário: a produção e aprop


  • Rose Elaine Teixeira Borges




This research paper focus on both municipal public authorities and different agents performances, especially housing sector – The Secondary Circuit of Capital -, on the production and appropriation process of geographic peripheries of Ribeirão Preto, from 1980 to 2010. The research has been undertaken based on both urban planning and public sector management analysis. It verifies the relation among the evolution of urban instruments of land´s use and occupation control, market productive agents’ actions (Grupo de Desenvolvimento Urbano – an association of Real State ventures, acquirer companies, and land owners), and, eventually the result of this interaction: the geographic periphery consolidation. To reach this goal, the paper was analyze programs, urban projects and Master Plans - by means of concepts and directives for production and urban space organization (occupation pattern, growing and urban structure guidelines), condominium and developments construction.




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