Informalidad urbanística: madre e hija de la vulnerabilidad física


  • Huáscar Bolívar Vallejo



The vertiginous urbanization process in Latin-America gave rise to a worrying common denominator: “physical vulnerability”, that became a specific trait of informal settlements permanently prone to risks of disaster that through inefficient and slow land planning, opposed to the dizziness of this growing urban phenomenon, succeeds in regenerating into a spontaneous social-territorial relation within a space-time dimension. We therefore state that the above-mentioned deficiencies as to the instruments and as to urban planning threaten with a social-natural “town-planning informality”, a feature that at the same time is capable of producing, increasing and qualitatively transforming the “physical vulnerability”; and moreover, is able to generate a growing cyclical feedback dynamics between the “informality” itself and “vulnerability” with the passing of time thereby causing risky consequences in the cities.




Sede Lisboa