El papel del movimiento "economía y humanismo" y de la SAGMACS en Brasil en la construcción de un nuevo método de proyectación urbana


  • Isabella Leite Trindade
  • Andréa Dornelas Câmara




The main theme of this research is the analysis of the projectual experience that was carried out within the SAGMACS (Sociedade para Análise Gráfica e Mecanográfica Aplicadas aos Complexos Sociais /Society for Graphic and Mecanographic Analysis Applied to Social Complexes) created by Lebret in Brazil in 1947 and which represents a 'turning point in urban planning’s method’, a change in the way of designing, planning and solving urban problems of cities through continued development of a methodology of urban-regional research focused on the common good and growth of human life associated to economical development, establishing new ways for the development and territorial organization of important cities in the country like Recife, São Paulo and Belo Horizonte.




Sede Lisboa