La formación del paisaje periurbano: caracterización visual de los bordes urbanos en el Área Metropolitana de Valencia


  • Daniel Monleón Balanzá



The paper "Characterizing patterns of peri-urban form. Configuring the relationship between the agriculture fields (Huerta) and the city in the metropolitan area of Valencia" was presented in the last edition (VIth) of the International Research Seminar on Urbanism of Barcelona. This work proposes to reclaim the discipline of Urban Design, as being the instrumental practice capable of taking charge of the shape of the city in the urban planning processes concerning peri-urban areas. To this end, a series of characterizing patterns of peri-urban forms were defined, These patterns are based on variables involved in shaping urban edge areas, allowing also to evaluate the suitability of the open fields and the city relationship. They were fixed from an urban perspective, considering properties of the urban edges such as: rural-urban interpenetration, walkability, permeability, rural-urban connectivity, visual relationship and geometric sharpness. In this second phase we will analyze the landscape factors, from the rural to the urban direction, evaluating the variables of visibility and landscape integration.




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