Modelos de desarrollo socio-territorial: caso de estudio: Cholula, México


  • Melissa Schumacher



The City of Cholula represents an iconic example of peri-urban development in Mexican middle-size cities. Cholula has a particular heterogeneity as a sacred, student, and services region. Its context is being developed through three socio-spatial models: the compact, the rural, and the metropolitan; each integrated with patterns of land use. The urban transformation of Cholula began in 1990 with the expropriation of ejido and agricultural land and the implementation of the Regional Development Plan Angelópolis. All of these triggered peri-urbanization development, like changes in populations’ dynamics, real estate speculation, urban sprawl, abandon of agricultural activities, and a wasteful consumption of land. These facts generated changes in the patterns of land use, from compact-urban cores, sprawl rural localities, to new urban centralities.




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