Procesos de segregación territorial en la metrópolis contemporánea: el caso de Montevideo en el período 1998-2011


  • Beatriz Rocco



For decades, the hand with the intensification of capitalist accumulation patterns and deepening of the neoliberal model, large cities have experienced changes in their patterns of development. Among them, territorial segregation processes, understood as the aggregation in the territory of sectors with similar socioeconomic and cultural characteristics. It will be the subject of this article to present the investigation made at master´s work regarding territorial segregation processes that have taken place in the department of Montevideo in the period 1998-2011. Despite the longstanding historical imagination, recounting a country of middle classes and a hyperintegrated society, it is necessary to problematize the material and symbolic evidence traces this phenomenon in the city. Footprints that constitute territorial expressions of inequality, questioning the ability to integrate our cities and societies presented.




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