¿Consecuencias indeseadas o planificación intencionada? la marginación urbanística del poblado marítimo de Nazaret, Valencia. 1946-2010


  • Blanca Ferrandis Peña




The planning -understood as the privileged instrument to develop and to improve the quality of life of any settlement- used improperly or intentionally can end up destroying rather than building and marginalizing instead of integrating. In Nazaret, a maritime village in the conurbation of Valencia, Spain, the developed planning since the mid-twentieth century, has become this settlement, originally surrounded by vegetable gardens and next to the sea, in an isolated location, which is suffering a gradual loss of quality and identity. Without sea, without beach, surrounded by infrastructures and with decreasing vegetable gardens, Nazaret has been degraded by an urban planning that has ended up becoming "the problem". This paper shows some results of a historical-critical research of the planning in the area. Here, although we do not address the possible "hidden intentions" of the planners (always hard to prove), the dire social and spatial consequences of the sequence of the decisions are evident.




Sede Lisboa