El espacio público en una ciudad compacta


  • Virginia Ramos Rodríguez




The present article outlines urban renewal in both United States and Europe that could influence the evolution of the compact city and the revitalization of the central district of Barcelona. Analyzes the conditions of the city and provides a look at parallel between Rotterdam, Vienna and Barcelona. Streets, squares and blocks: in the decade of the 80s, on both continents, the traditional city and its collective components are revalued. Spain arrives in arrears to these urban processes due to the isolation of the dictatorship and its transition means finding methods and strategies to urban problems. Barcelona records a deficit of facilities and public space, looking for external references, solves its problems of metropolitan scale, modifies the urban deficits in the central district and achieves a good strategy that leads to the public recovery of the interior spaces of Eixample Cerdà blocks.




Sede Lisboa